Sofia 1st assignment - Write the initializer
In the repo, I have started laying out the basic structure of Zeomine in the form of folders, and the README file.
The first component of the file references a Python script,, which will be the command line controller for Zeomine. It has just a few options, namely the ability to start an instance from two possible sources (templates/ or user/), and to turn on debug mode.
Step 1: ZCMD
For this, we need a simple script that uses the argparse library to take in these commands. This goes into .
Step 2:
Inside of src/ we have, which should contain a class, Zeomine. Like the V2 Zeomine, we will have a constructor function that takes the commands from ZCMD, and has the configuration information set.
We need a complete ZCMD, and a that will print out a message with the location of the file that it was given.
Stretch Goal
These files will be in YAML format, so getting the first run command ( --template-conf=firstrun.yml) to find such a file and read YAML is a plus.